Freelands Artist Programme

A five-year programme that supports emerging artists across the UK in partnership with g39, Cardiff, PS², Belfast, Site Gallery, Sheffield and Talbot Rice Gallery, Edinburgh.

The Freelands Artist Programme is a five-year programme that supports emerging artists across the UK in partnership with g39, Cardiff, PS², Belfast, Site Gallery, Sheffield and Talbot Rice Gallery, Edinburgh. Since the programme was launched in 2018, we have worked with 80 artists to date, nurturing their practice by fostering long-term relationships and collaborations between the emerging artists and arts organisations and bolstering regional arts ecosystems.

Each of the four organisations develop a series of two-year programmes and select a cohort of five artists to take part each year. There are a total of four cohorts of artists across five years. The details and approach of each programme are distinct and are based around the specific needs of the artists within each organisation’s community and the unique opportunities or challenges presented by their broader context. Certain elements of the different organisations’ programmes are found throughout the programmes, for example, each artist participating on the programme receives an annual grant of £5k, as well as the opportunity to take part in talks, workshops and other programmed events and a budget for travel. Some partner organisations also provide artists with opportunities to access studio space and/or exhibitions.

In addition to the series of workshops for the artists across the programme that take place each month, the Foundation organises an annual symposium. At the end of the two years on the programme, the artists are foregrounded in the Foundation’s programming through a publication, exhibition and a series of public events.

The artists who have previously or are currently participating in the programme are:

Alaya Ang, Crystal Bennes, Kelly Best, Brown & Bri, Alice Briggs, Renèe Helèna Browne, Philippa Brown, Theresa Bruno, Jane Butler, Tom Cardew, Alison J Carr, Myrid Carten, James Clarkson, Kedisha Coakley, Rachael Colley, Mitch Conlon, Phoebe Davies, Janie Doherty, Freya Dooley, Aideen Doran, Ross Fleming, Yuen Fong Ling, Rebecca Gould, Michael Hanna, Maud Haya-Baviera, Jenny Hogarth, Jacqueline Holt, Jan Hopkins, Gail Howard, Susan Hughes, Dorothy Hunter, Rebecca Jagoe, Seiko Kinoshita, Julie Lovett, Maria de Lima Rhiannon Lowe, Victoria Lucas, Sekai Machache, Zara Mader, Sulaïman Majali, Jasmin Marker, Phillip McCrilly, Jan McCullough, Tara McGinn, Emily McFarland, Emmie McLuskey, Tyler Mellins, Anisa Nuh-Ali, Rosie O’Grady, Helouise O'Reilly, Adebola Oyekanmi, Sadia Pineda Hameed & Beau W Beakhouse, Robin Price, Thulani Rachia, Will Roberts, Conor Rogers, Sarah Rose, Jonathan HS Ross, Kirsty Russell, Aled Simons, Rae-Yen Song, Eothen Stearn, Christopher Steenson, Zoyander Street, Tako Taal, Jennifer Taylor, Neasa Terry, Fern Thomas, Becca Thomas and Clare Charles, Lea Torp Nielsen, Rian Treanor, Lucy Vann, Adele Vye, Ian Watson, Thomas Wells, Jo Whittle, Siân Williams, Mona Yoo, and Matt Zurowski.