Representation of Women Artists in the UK

Annual reports (2015–2021) commissioned to understand the landscape for the representation of women artists in the UK, forming the research underpinning the Freelands Award programme.

These annual report were commissioned to examine the representation of women artists in the UK and to provide a research-backed foundation for the Freelands Award.

Over time, the report has evolved to include an examination into the intersectional experiences of women artists, raising complex questions that could not be fully analysed through a gender-based lens alone, as highlighted in the 2021/22 report.

Across seven reports, the research has shifted from offering a point-in-time snapshot to a longitudinal review, revealing that changes in representation occur gradually, with minimal year-on-year movement. Given these slow shifts, we decided an annual publication was no longer an effective use of our resources, or reflective of the Foundation’s refined focus of advancing art education via championing the symbiotic relationship between teaching and making.

Discover and download our reports on the Representation of Women Artists in the UK below. Please note, we currently do not plan to commission further updates on this report.